Big News from the Marathon Jam

Big News from the Marathon Jam!

Like many organizations, Marathon Jam (MJ) was hampered and held back during Covid even though we were still able to make significant contributions to the Fisher Houses at Fort Liberty (formerly Bragg) and Camp Lejeune this year as well as Camp Corral and others. But……Marathon Jam is back and on the move!

First of all, the Board of Directors would like to recognize the work of Marathon Jam Founder John Santa in getting Marathon Jam to where it is. John has decided to step down as President and off of the Board. The Board has presented him with the honorary title of President Emeritus and John will continue to be part of the musical outreach of MJ.

The Board is working with the area VA Hospitals to renew the regular events of playing music for the veterans in the hospitals and there will be announcements soon about when and where.

The Board is also working to schedule a date and location early in 2024 for resumption of the 12-hour marathon jam events to raise money and bring the past “Iron Pickers” back together in the musical circle and even create new Iron Pickers (those who play in the circle for the full event).

We will also be refreshing the Board of Directors with new members willing to serve in this worthy cause of “Healing through Music” and anyone who has past interest or participation in Marathon Jam events and would like to serve as an active non-board member volunteer is encouraged to message us through Facebook or contact a current Board member you may know. There are lots of opportunities for you to contribute your time and talents in an effort to support veterans!

Stay tuned to our Facebook page for coming announcements about these and other exciting new changes for the Marathon Jam!

Robert Welch, Karen Gruschow Pepin, Tom O'Shea, Steve Oglesbee, Susan Leigh Keever, Borgesi and Daniel Jones


Marathon Jam is back after 3 years: join us in Chapel Hill on February 24, 2024!


Marathon Jam Helps Gold Star Families